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Full skin checks

At your full skin check you will be invited into the consultation room where Dr Holly will start by taking a detailed skin and relevant medical history before assessing your skin type and risk of skin cancer.

Full skin checks involve a head to toe examination of your skin and to facilitate this you will be asked to remove all clothing but your underwear. This is because skin cancers can hide in locations that do not see the sun. If you are uncomfortable with removing all your clothes, Dr Holly can work around loose clothing. Please advise this at the time of your consultation.

Skin doctors use a device called a dermatoscope which shines lights on and magnifies features in your skin to aid clinical diagnosis of different spots. At the end of your appointment you will receive an information sheet detailing the outcome of your skin assessment, any recommended treatments and follow-up/ review plan.


If there are any spots of concern, Dr Holly may photograph these and monitor them for change over time or may discuss treatments such as freezing, biopsy or excision with you. Dr Holly will be able to do small treatments at the time of your consultation such as freezing while biopsies and excisions will scheduled on a procedure list on a different day.

To aid with your skin check please:

  • Wear loose fitting clothing that is easy to remove

  • Wear underwear (budgie smuggler style preferred & bras if normally used)

  • Remove any make-up (ideally do not put any on that day but make-up wipes can be provided at your consultation)

  • Moisturise as normal on the day of your consultation but apply at least 30 mins before your appointment so it is absorbed

  • If you have spots that someone else is worried about, ask them to circle them with a marker pen before your appointment

Spot checks

Spot check appointments are for checks of 1-2 spots only. It is recommended that everyone has at least one full skin check first to assess all spots and determine individual risk, then use spot check appointments for any new spots of concern between regular skin checks. If you have not had a skin check recently but have a spot that needs urgent checking, please book for the first available appointment at either clinic. If it is more than a month away, please see your GP or if you have seen Dr Holly previously, please leave a message for Dr Holly with either reception requesting a more urgent spot check and she will try to fit you in.

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