Dr Holly Inglis
DipDermos DipSkinCancerSurgery

I completed my medical education, including my Advanced Science degree, medical degree and Masters in Medicine at the University of Sydney. I was admitted as a Fellow to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) in 2017. In 2022, I moved to Hobart for the lifestyle and decided to focus on my two professional special interests - skin cancer and gender affirming care.
Skin and Surgical Experience
I cut out my first skin cancer in my first year at university while on a scholarship placement on Kangaroo Island and I have been drawn to skin cancer surgery ever since. During medical school I took every surgical opportunity presented to me, completing rotations in general surgery, urology, vascular surgery and orthopaedics as a junior doctor. I spent a year as junior orthopaedic surgeon gaining skills in larger operations and wound closure. I continue to develop my skin cancer and skin surgery skills as a GP and I have competed diplomas in dermatoscopy and advanced skin cancer surgery. I have done skin cancer surgery through out my GP career, working at times in dedicated skin clinics and doing outreach clinics in regional NSW. I am continuing my professional development in the field through attending conferences, participating in masterclasses and engaging in regular educational meetings.

Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences
Masters of Medicine (Ophthalmic Sciences)
Diploma of Child Health
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy
Professional & Advanced Certificates of Medical Nutrition Management
Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Surgery
Special interests
In addition to providing skin cancer services at Kingston Skin Cancer Clinic, I have a special interest in trans/gender diverse health, providing medical gender affirming care at Rainbow Care Clinic. I welcomes all bodies to have skin checks with me and aim to provide a safe and affirming space at all times.
Other interests
I am an outdoors person with a penchant for running too far. In the past, I have competed at the elite level in endurance obstacle course racing but have been nursing various injuries since the pandemic. I am a keen Crossfitter, am learning Spanish on Duolingo and like hanging out with my chickens. I am an ace composter (if I do say so myself) but have not yet managed to a grow a veggie garden.