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Dr Holly Inglis

DipDermos DipSkinCancerSurgery


I completed my medical education, including my Advanced Science degree, medical degree and Masters in Medicine at the University of Sydney. I was admitted as a Fellow to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) in 2017. In 2022, I moved to Hobart for the lifestyle and decided to focus on my two professional special interests -  skin cancer and gender affirming care.

Skin and Surgical Experience

I cut out my first skin cancer in my first year at university while on a scholarship placement on Kangaroo Island and I have been drawn to skin cancer surgery ever since. During medical school I took every surgical opportunity presented to me, completing rotations in general surgery, urology, vascular surgery and orthopaedics as a junior doctor. I spent a year as junior orthopaedic surgeon gaining skills in larger operations and wound closure. I continue to develop my skin cancer and skin surgery skills as a GP and I have competed diplomas in dermatoscopy and advanced skin cancer surgery. I have done skin cancer surgery through out my GP career, working at times in dedicated skin clinics and doing outreach clinics in regional NSW. I am continuing my professional development in the field through attending conferences, participating in masterclasses and engaging in regular educational meetings.


Bachelor of Science (Advanced)​

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery​

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences​

Masters of Medicine (Ophthalmic Sciences)​

Diploma of Child Health​

Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners​

Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy​

Professional & Advanced Certificates of Medical Nutrition Management​

Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Surgery

Special interests

In addition to providing skin cancer services at Kingston Skin Cancer Clinic, I have a special interest in trans/gender diverse health, providing medical gender affirming care at Rainbow Care Clinic. I welcomes all bodies to have skin checks with me and aim to provide a safe and affirming space at all times. 

Other interests

I am an outdoors person with a penchant for running too far. In the past, I have competed at the elite level in endurance obstacle course racing but have been nursing various injuries since the pandemic. I am a keen Crossfitter, am learning Spanish on Duolingo and like hanging out with my chickens. I am an ace composter (if I do say so myself) but have not yet managed to a grow a veggie garden. 

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