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Common non-cancer skin spots 

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  • Naevus/ mole - caused by visible clusters of cells in the skin; can develop before or shortly after birth (congenital naevi) or develop later in life (acquired naevi); there are lots of different types of naevi


Dermal naevus

  • Ephelis (freckle) - small, light brown or tan mark on the skin which tend to fade in the winter

  • Lentigo (brown sun spots) - pigmented flat or slightly raised lesion with a clearly defined edge; does not fade in winter months like freckles; several different kinds

  • Seborrhoeic keratois - harmless warty spot that appears during adult life as a common sign of skin aging; some people have hundreds of them

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  • Angioma (or haemangioma) - benign vascular skin lesion made of the cells that line the inside of blood vessels; the most common type is a cherry angioma

  • Dermatofibroma - benign fibrous nodule usually found on the skin of the lower legs; sometimes attributed to minor trauma such as an insect bite; made of fibroblasts which are connective tissue cells

  • Sebaceous hyperplasia - enlarged sebaceous glands seen on the forehead or cheeks typically in middle-aged and older people

  • Wart - very common benign lesion caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV)

  • Cyst - benign, round, dome-shaped encapsulated lesions that contains fluid or semi-fluid material; several different types

  • Skin tag - soft harmless lesion that appears to hang of the skin

Common benign spots
Common skin conditions

Common skin conditions

Links in this section are mostly from DermNet NZ which is a world-renowned resource for all things skin. It was founded 23 years ago by a group of New Zealand Dermatologists from New Zealand. Their mission is to make authoritative information about the skin accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

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